Monday, December 6, 2010

The ultrasound yesterday showed an epididymitis and a hydrocyl but no hernia. I haven't seen the urologist today but I'm sure he/she will come by sometime in the next day or so. From what I have read, the epididymitis can be very painful. Our Infectious Disease specialist was surprised to hear he had that with all of the antibiotics J has been on. Hopefully it will clear up soon.
The CT scan went well this morning; Jameson was on best behavior. I think he liked being awake while we rolled down and back. During the procedure he was on propophol and he woke up well before they even got him off the scanner. This child chews through his sedation! Our SuperDoc looked over the scans and said there isn't much ascitis in his belly. His growing belly is all bowel and liver. His liver is huge. Not quite sure why, but J just had an echo cardiogram done to make sure the enlarged liver isn't a result of heart problems. Haven't heard back yet.
Our hematologists/oncologists will look over the scans as well and see how the lymphangiomatosis is doing as well. It is too early to really see any differences from radiation, but maybe we can find out something from the scans that will be helpful and hopeful.
Jameson was transfused this morning with platelets, packed red cells and chryo. Part of the reason his heart rate was up yesterday was because he needed blood. It helped and now he is sleeping in the 120/130's. Much better.
He is still having bouts of pain and cramping when he stools and he is still passing tissue. The bumps only work so much. I feel so bad for my sweet little boy. It is hard to watch him have pain and not be able to do anything about it. I just pray Jesus stays in that bed with him all of the time. Thanks for checking in. I will be sure to update when we get more info. God Bless!!

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