Saturday, September 25, 2010

Jameson's first day off ECMO was great. After his periodic adjustments by the nurses he kept getting really comfortable -great vitals!! He did spike a fever Thur evening and again early this morning, but we suspect it's not an infection. His kidney function appears to be declining a little bit, but we kind of suspected it might since we doubled his special elixir a couple days ago. J's bowel movements still haven't really returned so he's still not being fed via his intestinal tube anything substantial. Today's chest xray showed mild improvement so hopefully it continues. His nurse the other night was an absolute workhorse so he got a good scrubbing including a hair wash. He suddenly smells less of sterile adhesive and more like a finely primped stallion, more Celtic than Italian. Capping yesterday's steady, relaxed day was a blood gas showing better ventilation allowing even better ventilator settings (those curious - his PIP is only 24, PEEP 10, rate 18, and FiO2 is down to 45- so substantial improvement this past week). We're still holding off on the tracheostomy in hopes he might be off the vent in a week or so. Jameson plans on watching some football today, but insisted we not tune in the Gophers so as to not upset him (he's a realist).
Enjoy your weekend!

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