Saturday, March 19, 2011

Green Love

St Patrick's Day turned out to be a great day.

Everybody ate the Irish Soda muffins and not one comment was made about how dry they were because I accidentally over-baked them. Our oven timer sounds just like the coffemaker beep...who knew?!

Little Man's Dr. appt. went well; other than a cough he is doing just fine. I can't say as much about the pediatrician, though. Dr. Paul was wearing a purple shirt and tie and I seriously hope he felt under-dressed when he saw my dapper lad walk into the room.

We were able to pick up Hubs at school and just make it in time to see the parade. I left the camera at home due to the threat of rain, but it was all for naught. We had sunshine and happy smiles...and loads of compliments on my rockin' socks. And everyone loves the Roos, of course.

Little Man raked in the candy and had fun counting and organizing it when we got home.

I'd love to say I cooked a traditional Irish dinner and show you fabulous pictures, but it didn't happen. We had clam chowder and hotdogs and shamrock cookies at an Irish pub downtown and danced to traditional Irish music. When we got home, we broke out the bikes for the first time this year in celebration of the sidewalks finally being clear. No coats needed!

We did have green pasta for dinner Friday night...better late than never, right?

Super easy to make. While your noodles are boiling, stuff the food processor/blender full of spinach, blend it to make some room, add a splash of olive oil, some Parmesan, ricotta, garlic and salt/pepper to taste. Red pepper flakes would probably be tasty, too. And when pesto is in in season, add some of that. Yum, I can't wait for pesto season... Drain the noodles and toss.

I saw the best bumper sticker on St Patrick's Day: Love people: cook them good food.

The day just wasn't complete without my sweet Jameson. The day was wonderful and bittersweet and fun and I missed my boy so terribly. I can't help but think about the expressions, dance moves, smiles and loving we are missing out on every time we do something fun. I am so comforted in knowing that he isn't missing out- he was probably dancing a jig with Saint Patrick himself! And I know that we will be reunited someday and will have all of eternity to catch up on what will seem such a short time apart. And that will just have to get me through.

May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields and,
Until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

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