Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas Vacation

Hubs had a few days off at Christmas and we went over the river and through the woods to Grandma's house. It was really nice to see a bunch of our family, eat amazing food, and watch the kids open presents.

Watching the kids is the best part of presents at Christmas. The excitement and joy and chaos and mess of it all is awesome. Little Man got an acoustic guitar and has been serenading everything with a heartbeat. He's not a bad singer and he comes up with some great lyrics. I love him.

We had gourmet apps, crab legs, stuffed mushrooms, honey baked ham, cheesecake, rice pudding with raspberries, cookies galore and -drum roll, please- tres leche cake. My brother sent it up from Chicago as my Christmas gift. What a brother.

You may remember me talking about this cake before. This is the cake I would give a kidney for. This time I remembered to take a picture before we ate the whole thing.

Unfortunately, round two of the stomach flu hit on Christmas day. Hubs had it first and the worst, but we all got it to a certain extent over the past week. It wasn't the best Christmas we've ever had, but it wasn't the worst either; that was last year. At least it was a bit of a distraction for us.

We've been taking it easy for the most part this week. Hubs went straight from the flu to a bad cold and lost his voice and had to miss some work. Little Man and I have been avoiding him as much as possible, which is not fun. December has been a little rough in the illness department for us. Hopefully we'll get it all out of our system before the baby arrives!

Other than cleaning, sanitizing and washing laundry, we haven't done much else over our Christmas break. I got two delicious cookbooks for Christmas and have been reading a ton of great recipes and getting some great ideas for meals. When we are all finally well and eating again, my oven and range will be working overtime! Can't wait.

The highlight of the week was taking Little Man to a ski hill for ski jump lessons. It was his first time on skis and he did pretty well. He wiped out a few times and got some snow burn across one eye, but overall he had a great time and wants to go skiing again. It makes me miss the mountains big time.

We are looking forward to a shiny, bright, and healthy new year. We will be celebrating with movies and popcorn on the couch and Little Man will probably be the only one who makes it to midnight. Happy New Year!

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