Jameson has done alright over the past day. Still off the norepi
with decent blood pressures. We are going down to 2.0 on the pentabarb
today. Hopefully it will be a smooth transition. He does still have
bouts of irritation and agitation and they do seem to correspond to
rumbling and gurgling in his precious tummy. He is obviously
experiencing pain in that region. But usually after a few minutes, it
calms down a bit and he settles. He does need occasional bumps and he
gets tylenol and chlorol at times and his precedex was upped again, but
overall, he's handling the detox and pain fairly well.
he was opening his mouth really wide and we noticed he has a brand new
molar on the top. And later I noticed that he has two more on the
bottom just breaking through. Poor kiddo. We tried baby orajel and he
is not a fan, but I don't blame him; it tastes awful. He much prefers
the jolly rancher suckers we've been giving him to lick whenever he
sticks his tongue out. :) I don't know anyone who deserves a little
sweetness more than Jameson.
He has needed blood about every
other day and the docs are thinking that it is related to the belly
chyle's brighter red color. It seems he is leaking a little more than
usual. Not much we can do about it and I'm not sure if the output has
actually gone up or not. Sorry.
Tomorrow we have a care
conference in the afternoon with all of Jameson's doctors. I am a
little anxious about it. Overall, we are in a better place and Jameson
seems to be in better health than he was at the last care conference-
which had me in tears for days afterwards- but we cannot deny that fact
that his disease is still uncontrolled. Pray for us and for our doctors
as we discuss J's health, options, and future.
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