Monday, November 22, 2010

J slept through the night last night now that his pentabarb is back up to higher levels. He needed three huge boluses to get him back probably wouldn't even take one of them to put me out for days, but my kid chews through his sedation. He's getting bigger pentabarb boluses, on a higher pentabarb drip, and on a ketamine drip, plus they went up on his scheduled methadone and he is still on the highest dose of precedex available. And the fentanyl drip and boluses are also bigger...tripled, I think. Special K seems to be making the difference...that and the bigger fentanyl boluses.
The underlying issue- abdominal pain is still there...hopefully it will go away soon.
SuperDoc ordered an echo today and it turned out fine. We found out the tentative schedule for Monday he will have the planning CT scan and radiation will start on Wednesday. I think it is only 8 sessions this time. He now has two trees with 4 brains, holding 16 pumps, plus his vent so roadtrips to Abbott should be that much more interesting. Last time he just had one tree. I guess that is why the nurses get paid the big bucks. Ha!
He was in a somewhat happy place this afternoon and Hub's parent's loved on him while Hubs, Little Man and I went out to lunch with some family. It was so great to get out and have a nice lunch at our favorite restaurant, knowing that J was in an okay place. Hopefully the new drug combo will allow more uneventful days and nights.

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