Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cutest Rainbows

For a few years I've carried around a dream in my heart. After Jameson was born, I found out about a charity called Reece's Rainbows. And I wished I was rich. I wished I had a million dollars to give to them. If we were to win to lotto, I would write big, fat check to this charity and also adopt as many kids as Hubs would let me.

We aren't in a place right now where we can give much money and we certainly can't adopt a beautiful child right now, but there are other ways I can help. And one of them is to share Reece's Rainbows with you. Maybe you are in a position to write them a big, fat check. Or maybe God is calling you to adopt one of these sweet angels. Or maybe, like me, you are able to share about and pray for this organization.

Reece's Rainbows helps find adoptive families for international orphans with Down syndrome. You can find a child to adopt or donate money towards the cost of an adoption so someone who wants to bring a child home but can't afford the staggering costs of international adoption can make it happen.

When our Jameson died, we asked donations to be made to a sweet little Russian boy named Jamison. He is also three and cute as a button. And if we were in a position to take him home today, I would be on the next flight to Russia. But we can't. Not now. He had nothing in adoption fund when we started in December. And now he has over $2,600.00 in there. The average cost of an international adoption is $25,000+.

I know.

We have a long ways to go to help Jamison find a family.

Today I am asking you to consider giving to Reece's Rainbows. If you want to give right to Jamison, follow this link.

If you want to find out more about Reece's Rainbows and adopting a child with Down syndrome, click here.

Every child deserves to have a family, deserves to be wanted and loved. Please consider helping to save little Jamison.

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