Okay. So the curcumin (tumeric) listed bloody stools as a side
effect so that has been discontinued since Sunday when we noticed
problems and he hasn't had any more problems since 2am Monday. Feeds
were also stopped but will start back up today slowly.
night and Monday pain was our biggest issue and the pain and palliative
care team almost had to move into the room yesterday. Instead of the
coma they upped his methadone and took him off the dilaudid and versed.
He wasn't responding at all and spent most of the past 36 hours
frowning, grinding his teeth and writhing in pain. They kept upping his
dosage and we were bumping him everytime the machine let us with no
changes. He was literally getting as much methadone as a 1000 pound
horse. And it wasn't working. They even bolused his pentabarb twice
and it did nothing. He should have been comatose and it had no effect
at all. It was an awful night. Our poor nurse will probably forego her
pension rather than be assigned our room again...dysfunctional
equipment, an exhausted (well mannered) sailor-mouthed father, and one
seriously unhappy child. This morning our Super Doc tried giving him a
small iv dose of pentabarb in a different line and he went down for the
count in no time at all. Sooooo, it was something with the line and not
Jameson being the world's first person to not respond to pentabarb.
led to an ultrasound and echocardiogram to make sure his femoral vein
or abdominal vasculature heading back to the heart didn't have a clot in
it. Both came back fine so it may have just been a problem with the
meds crystallizing in the old IV line, but everything seems to be okay
at this point.
We are slowly starting up feeds again today. We
are adding in some iv lipids and sugar to help with calories so he stops
withering away. He lost an iv in his foot last night and it is super
swollen and puffy and blistery. Poor J.
Yesterday we had another
ENT come look at the trach and give us a second opinion. At this point
there isn't too much we can do, but he made some good suggestions to
hopefully help J be more comfortable and heal better. We are going to
get a flexitrach, which is more flexible and softer. This will be so
much better for him because he has a super short neck and his trach is
always poking into his chin and chest. It can also move side to side a
little more and that will lead to easier positoning and comfort too.
Hopefully!! We are also going to try wet/dry dressing changes with
vinegar(some medical version) to keep it cleaner and healthier.
now the massage therapist is working with him and giving him some
healing touch and massage therapy. He does really well with it and they
stop in our room often.
Handoff, Meghan is apparently now going
to get a massage while I (Hubs) scoot further and deeper into the
board-like futon. Who wants to bet Meghan becomes a believer in the
Chakras and healing touch in about 5 minutes.
So today it looks
like we might actually get his pain under control again and the
pediatric radiation oncologist is coincidently going to a conference in
Boston this week and will present his case to field ideas. Not exactly
encouraging news, but at least we know all interventions are being
explored, thank you Team J!! Yes, all of Team Jameson has been
fantastic - a heartfelt thank you to all of you who have participated in
his care!! And thank you for your continued prayers and staunch
support! Oh, and it only took Meghan about 29 seconds...I think she may
now be more sedate than J...who knew?
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