We are off to a good start this year! We celebrated New Year's Eve by
all falling asleep on the couch together and going to bed shortly before
the ball dropped in NYC. It was great. I love to sleep.
I also love a new baking challenge and attempted Povitica for the first
time. I changed up the filling in it and it was a little too wet, so I
have to try again.
It was still amazingly good and we ate the whole loaf in less than a
day, but I've got to get it right. Maybe I'll try again today.
My little chef has been busy in the kitchen, too.
He loves to cook with me and was so excited the other night to help with
dinner. We had red curry coconut shrimp and he got to stir and add
ingredients. It was pretty exciting. Someday, he's gonna be a great
cook, just like his mama.
We'll have to start working on more seafood recipes, though. And soon.
Because my guys have taken up a favorite winter pastime on the lake.
Ice fishing.
The first catch was a little small. We may not need recipes quite yet...
I'm just glad they are having fun and enjoying the great outdoors together.
The dogs enjoy it too. Flick found a
girlfriend down the road. She is older, grayer, and has a tumor on her
right hip, but love is blind, right?
It is my birthday week. I'm going to celebrate by making a starter for my
Italian baguettes, attempting another loaf of Povitica, and having an
early dinner of spinach and cheese omelets before heading out to Little Man's basketball practice. Tomorrow night, I am making a special
birthday dinner for myself and I can't wait. We are having a bruschetta
bar -homemade baguettes with loads of topping options. Baked goat
cheese marinara, classic tomato, basil & olive oil, white bean &
sun dried tomato, and mushrooms & spinach sauteed with garlic.
Can't wait! For dessert, I'm making zabaglione with fresh berries and
whipped cream, of course. Yum. For my present, Hubs is going to take
me out to dinner sometime after the baby is born. I don't know where
we'll go, but it will involve red wine, possibly a rare steak, and creme
brulee -all things I have been craving for months.
But that can wait, because right now, there is dough to be made. Happy New Year, friends!